Monthly Archives: June 2014

Another sprain.

David Sprained his left ankle tonight, it was only a few weeks ago that he sprained his right one. The right one gets a bit better then he seems to hurt it again before it heals 100 %. The one he hurt tonight (the left one) doesn’t seem to be quite as bad as the left one was, but it still swelled up. The minute after he hurt his ankle tonight, he was mad, kind of about everything but mainly at himself for how he was playing with Brenna on the trampoline (that’s where her twisted it). He was yelling, saying that it will never get better, and that he will never be able to run and play again. He calmed down about a twenty minutes later, still hurting, but probably realizing that I didn’t appreciate him yelling. I think he also knew the things he was saying weren’t actually true. We got some ice on it, soaked it in warm water and had him relaxing – we’ll see how things look tomorrow.

We drove two cars to church Sunday, it gave us the space to bring home four extra children for ours to play with. After they all left by 4:30, we had Aunt Marlene and Grandma Junker over for dinner to celebrate Marlene’s birthday – she’s twenty nine plus a few years, Okay?

To celebrate the 4th of July, we’re planing on staying in a hotel the night of the third, then watch the fireworks in Maplewood, the night of the fourth.

Dressed to write a book

Here are a couple of pictures of David in his duds he wears for writing. He hasn’t been writing much lately but he sure looks good getting ready to do it. I didn’t quite notice till now that the pictures look the exact same except for the background, oh-well.

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Tuesday, we made another family Valleyfair run. I took Brenna, Shaylin and David at 9:15 in the morning to get us there right at gates open, which is 10:00. Kathy had a 12:30 appointment for something, she and Paul were able to join us by mid afternoon. The weather was great, with just a couple rain drops falling two or three times throughout the day. The park is near a river, and with all the rain we have had lately, the water had risen to flood stage. Enough, that about a third of their parking lot unusable and three rides had to be shut down. The water wasn’t supposed to peak until Wednesday which could cause more problems for the park. P.S. – We left at 10:00 at night, saw the gates close behind us.

Last Friday, my sister Val came over with her four children (her children are a little younger than ours but the kids get along great) it was a fun last minute surprise for them.

My Life Story

Five or six days ago, the kids watched a movie about a person who wanted to buy the rights to someone’s book. It showed how valuable a person’s life story could be, in more ways than one. The day after they watched it, David decided to write his own book/diary. He named it, My Life Story. He was doing really well getting the words on paper, for the first three days, then it faded. He still wants to do it, but is finding out how hard it is to keep at it on a regular basis. He decided when he writes he wants to be dressed up (really dressed up) he puts on his best shirt with a tie, along with nice slacks. Today, he got Kathy to bring him to a thrift store to buy a suit jacket. They found a nice fitting jacket in great shape for only six dollars. Now that he has the full suit attire maybe he can get back to his writing.

Another week of summer break

We’re cruising to the end of ‘week three’ of the children’s summer break. The biggest event for the week was Brenna being in basketball camp. It’s was a week long camp that she enjoyed, learned a bit more about the game and made new friends.

Thursday, David went to a friends birthday party, the party met up with a group of kids that once a week have sword fights with swords made out of foam. The sword fights have gone on for years. Last year, David and I made a sword for the event (the swords are kind of specially made, the inside has a fiberglass rod for strength, stiffness and endurance while the outside is a big layer of foam – we used a swimming noodle for ours. Last year he went to the event but shied away from really getting into it. This time around he thought it was a blast, it sounded like there were about fifty children at the get together.

During the week, Paul and Shaylin were able to get together with their friends at least once.

Friday, Grandpa Webb was able to spend the day with the family. In the evening, Kathy took him home, I took the boys to a car show (where we met Aunt Marlene), and Brenna and Shaylin stayed home and watched TV (I’m sure they loved it because we don’t watch a ton of TV plus it was just the two of them).

Found the cable.

Well, we found the cable to download pictures from the camera onto the computer, but things aren’t working right so I am still struggling to get pictures posted.

Anyway, the kids have been out of school for a couple weeks already, they feel they need more to do but Kathy and I feel we’ve been plenty busy. Last Wednesday, we we’re able to make it to Valleyfair as a family. That’makes it Brenna’s and my third time, Paul’s, Shaylin’s and David’s second time and Kathy’s first time there for this year. While we we’re leaving the park, to go home, Brenna said she could live there it’s so fun (they all think it’s a blast – so far). Shaylin is my partner for doing the daring rides, as she and I are the only ones who will do any ride at the park. The Power Tower is the only ride Paul doesn’t care to do for the time being, it’s a ride the brings you really high in the air then drops you at a very quick rate of speed. David tried a new ride (new ride for him) called the Corksrew. It’s a roller coaster that sends the rider for a full loop the two loops that twist at the same time. While David and I we’re riding for his first time, right after we made it through the first loop (and he didn’t feel like he was going to die anymore) he shouted (with joy) at the top of his lungs “I love this ride!”

Other things we’ve been doing for the summer – 2 graduation parties (so far), lots of different play dates for the children, more painting on the exterior of the house. cutting the grass and oh yeah jumping on the trampoline. We bought a used trampoline (in very good mechanical condition but looks a little worn) and the four children love it (so far). I think they will enjoy it for quite a while but I won’t make any bets as just when I think I have them figured out they say the craziest things like “I’m bored”.