Monthly Archives: November 2015

It is nice.

With Paul able to drive a car, it is nice having him pick up Brenna from school once in a while or doing a small grocery run or taking the other siblings to a fast food restaurant now and then. It seems pretty small but when Kathy and I are doing our little tasks around the house, then having to stop to go run an errand – it’s a bit of a pain. Having Paul drive for the smallest of reasons is nice, it’ll really be great when the weather is cold and he will be going out and not us.

Thanksgiving came and went like a flash, we had a nice time with my mom and Marlene over at the house as well as Kathy’s mom and dad for a big meal. After we ate till we couldn’t eat any more, we took a little break then ate some more – this time it was a choice of berry pie, peach pie or apple cobbler. I had a small taste of each, they were all so good – I tried them again. We chatted for a bit then played the game Apples to Apples which my mom won.

On Black Friday we did our tradition of buying our Christmas tree, putting it up and decorating it. Five of us went to the store to get the tree, David stayed home and relaxed. Paul helped me fasten the tree to the top of the van to get it home, I prepped the tree (trimmed a couple of branches off, cut an inch off the bottom for a fresh trunk) then I got the tree to stand up properly in the base. I took a nap while the others decorated it, that’s what I call team work – turned out pretty nice.

Inner city school is rough.

David is going to an inner city school. He’s having a hard time enjoying it, saying the teachers are okay but the kids are very rough. We started him there this year because they can give him more one on one learning assistance with an adult – which he really needs. He hasn’t met any children there that he would call a best friend and has had many mornings where he dreads going to school. The kids at the school use bad language and don’t respect other people, including teachers. I’ve heard other guys at my work say their kids say the same things about their schools. I believe it’s everywhere but could be worse here because were in a big city school district. We talk to him about it to see if certain changes could be made to make things a little better, we have even thought about options for other schools or (a very long shot) home schooling. Many of times he says he’s ready for change, maybe a new school or home school, but Kathy and I have learned from experience that he doesn’t always stick to his word and jumping to an action too fast isn’t the best thing to do.

So far he is really enjoying CAP. He was given a uniform to wear, which is camouflage military fatigues (hat included). He has worn it a few hours, everyday (about six days in a row now). They teach a lot of great things there and practice marching, which he really loves – maybe hey have to teach about proper hygiene and wearing different clothes once in a while (but I do believe I had the same problem of wearing the same sweater for like a month straight – back in the day).

Paul likes most of what his school has to offer and is enjoying not having to go to cross country practice following the school day. He lettered in cross country so now were looking at getting him a letter-mans jacket – maybe for Christmas. He’s doing well with grades getting mostly A’s and a few B’s. Hasn’t had much need to drive the car on his own yet but for small runs now and then.

Brenna is in full swing with basketball, practices are Monday and Thursday after school with games on Friday – they lost their first game which was last week. She’s also playing the oboe again this year. Getting good grades – A’s and B’s

Shaylin is holding the fort down at the house. Her school day is a bit shorter than if going to school because there is no changing class rooms or teachers and not much for distractions. So with the extra time she has helped clean the house and has done some baking. She is also playing her clarinet, will get together with Brenna once in a while to do a duet.


CAP – Civil Air Patrol is what David joined a couple months ago and is ninety percent of his conversations topics. For some of us (like most of who talk to him) it’s a little too much. This is just a very short, note type blog tonight so I don’t forget how crazy he gets when things are stuck in his mind.

Happy Holidays?

We had a fun Halloween, but before Halloween was even here the stores had plenty of Christmas items on the shelves. It’s crazy how early Christmas season is showing up and I still want to enjoy Thanksgiving, which is three weeks away.

For Halloween evening – Paul stayed home to hand out candy, I brought Brenna and Shaylin around the neighborhood while Kathy took David and his friend Timmy out to a different part of our neighborhood for trick or treating. They all got lots of candy, Brenna and Shaylin had someone give them each a can of pop. One house the girls went to, the person gave them a choice (in a way) of what they would like, either a piece of candy or a big packet of tattoos. They both said candy, the lady made a remark as if she were slightly upset and suggested the tattoos, Brenna felt guilty and said okay, tattoos.

Don’t have much time right now for blogging as I’m trying to clean up the leaves in the yard – and there are plenty. I don’t know if it’s more work to get the kids to help me rake or do it myself.

Happy Holidays.